The course introduces students to public policy concepts, models and theories, and equips students with the tools and techniques for the analysis and design of public policies. It aims to examine the three major aspects of public policy study; government institutions and the policy-making process, the concepts and methods of policy analysis, and the identification and selection of policy alternatives. Specifically, the course studies the interrelationship of government institutions, the interests and motivations of policy actors, and the role of policy analysis in defining public problems and policy alternatives.

This course will provide an essential introduction to the basic definition of policy design, policymaking process, and policy evaluation while providing specific steps researchers and students can take to engage policy stakeholders and articulate the policy implications of their work. Specifically, it will focus on:

Understanding the complex public policy ecosystem, its many stakeholders, and the role research and evidence play in the creation of public policy, strategies for informing the policymaking community with research results, developing a pitch for policy audiences, and the importance of building two-way dialogues with policymakers.

Interested in public policy thinking? This course will equip you to utilize a powerful, eight-step method for analyzing public policy problems and formulating recommendations for addressing them.